Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Claim: Biden Hiding Massive Pandemic Fraud

(DailyFix.org) – In 2020, Congress authorized three COVID-relief measures to help businesses and individuals get through the worst of the initial phases of the pandemic. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) argued the relief measures were necessary at the time. But in 2021, Democrats allowed unnecessary government programs to linger.

As a result, the House Ways and Means Committee ranking member said the programs became some of the most flawed and wasteful ever created by Congress. Brady alleged that the Biden administration was covering up massive pandemic relief fraud.

Brady accused Democrats of turning a blind eye to one of the greatest thefts of taxpayer dollars in American history. He said $80 billion of pandemic unemployment money went to organized cybercriminals and international crime rings instead of Americans who needed it.

Brady added the American Rescue Act, passed in March 2021 in a partisan Democratic vote, sparked the greatest surge of inflation in 40 years, stunted the economy and made the labor crisis worse than it needed to be. He said if Democrats had worked with Republicans, they could have targeted relief and prevented the fraud.

The powerful Republican noted Congress has no idea how much was actually stolen from taxpayers, and it could be as high as the combined 2021 budgets for the Army and Navy. Brady blasted Democrats for saying Americans needed to pay more in taxes after the financial nightmare they created in 2021.

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